Public Art

Penn Manor High School – Starry Night Glass Mosaic, 2012

Returning from sabbatical in the fall of 2008, I decided to tackle the ugly courtyard wall and lead students through the process from design, to installation of a glass mosaic of a student-team interpretation of Starry Night in glass mosaic; 2008-2012. Penn Manor Education Foundation funded this 4-year project, in which over 500 students participated to make it happen. It is a back drop to the Mr. Jeff Churchill memorial Pond in the Penn Manor High School theater courtyard.

Removing the mosaic mask 24 hours glass was applied to the prepared section of wall. This was always exciting to remove and reveal the sparkling glass glimmer in the sun. That was a reward students looked forward to participating in, the masked glass sparkling in the sun.



Daniel’s Den Playground at Manor Church

Daniel’s Den was created to be a fully assessable playground so all children who visit it can enjoy access despite physical challenges. Manor Church in Lancaster County, PA has an active disabilities ministry and provided land for this park. I contributed by making yet another iteration of my 1998 and 2008 series of art work with a focus on faces in bronze, clay, and felt. Two each of these flat 1” thick outdoor masonite versions were made, 3’ high for this entry into the playground.

The right wall to the entry area of the playground. This wall has a companion wall forming a secure entryway into the children’s playground. That wall displays the same faces to be viewed from the opposite side of the park. Scale contour drawings of the figures, Eric and Self of Sorts, in the 3’ two-dimensional paper to transfer to outdoor masonite, primed, painted in acrylic, with polyethylene layer.

Figures in 3’ two-dimensional versions were faces were inspired by public elementary school students. I enjoyed six years of teaching art to K-6 elementary students, mainly at Pequea Elementary. An itinerant art teacher, while teaching at Pequea, I also taught at Letort and Conestoga Elementary schools at different times during those years in the 1990’s. This park was created in 2012.

Above: I spent the summer of 2010 creating the drawings in preparation for these painted versions. They are in front of my garage awaiting installation.

Left: Bodies of work from series in 1998 and 2008 inspired me to try yet another iteration of the same faces. All of the faces in this work are seen in may versions on this website. I never tire of them and have recycled them to explore a new way. Moving to other work, faces will continue to influence and speak to me.



Needle Felt Process


Two Dimensional Work