Movie Reviews

Films & TV series, start at 1994

As with books, I have reviewed many films and TV series over the years. I will add these in alphabetical order, starting with some that have be adapted from books I’ve read that have a film based on them. I am transposing from my notebooks, the first of which reviews in 1994, Schindler’s List.

A Man Called Ove (rhymes with who-va) 2016, Swedish, subtitled.

DVD Netflix 3/16/22 9/10

A Man called Ove 9

A delightful film, subtitled from Sweedish. I look forward the the Tom Hanks version to drop sometime in 2022. I read the book for book group in January 2017, Sallie Bookman’s selection and I loved it. Odd how quickly one forgets main story line – the tour bus accident that changes their every day lives. As well the death of Ove’s mother, father, then Sonya, his wife. A funny and light story with deep human condition elements that are resolved in charming ways. It is easy to love all of the characters, especially grumpy Ove.


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